The Dillema of the Only Child(Tabia za watoto wa Pekee)
Because only children do not have siblings with whom to interact, they learn to be children on their own. Parents and peer groups can help, but ultimately children become conditioned to depend on themselves. Says one adult with only child, "Possibly the best part was developing the ability to enjoy being alone and to entertain myself.
I have always had plenty of friends, yet people are surprised by how much of a loner I can be". Although this self-sufficiency can have its benefits, it can also mean that only children are inherently alone as their personalities develop.Because only children must develop in social situations that may not be suited to their personalities, the concepts of introversion and extraversion must be re-evaluated in the consideration of only children. Ultimately, an only child's environment forces him or her to take on both characteristics of introversion and extraversion despite natural inclinations to be one or the other. A naturally introverted child must show extraverted qualities if he or she wishes to make friends; likewise, a naturally extraverted child must learn to show introverted qualities by being content to focus on his or her own thoughts when playmates are unavailable.Of course, very few humans are strictly extraverted or introverted; most fall somewhere in between the two. The term "ambivert" has been coined to describe those persons who show both characteristics. However, the term "ambivert" is not accurate in describing only children. To call an only child introverted, extraverted, or ambiverted would be to imply that the child developed into its natural tendency toward that certain personality type with little influence from its environment. Thus only children are caught in a dilemma. Although environmental influence is not the sole influence in personality development, only children must develop their personalities in unique environmental situations. Their environments force them to act against their natural tendencies in order to function normally. These "only-verts" then must always at times be acting in ways against their natural tendencies.
- Tendency to not participate in many activities but leading the ones in which they do participate or learning to be comfortable being "loners" by learning to retreat within themselves.
- Trouble expressing anger
- The effects of sibling-free socialization
Perhaps because of the emotional difficulties that only children are prone to have such as excessive sensitivity, hypochondria, or trouble expressing anger ,are results of environmental influence but not in the way most commonly assumed.
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